Quality control is the most important thing for our company . Except international standard , we also make our own system to test and control the quality . Our QC process including IQC , IPQC , PQC , FQC and OQC , Hope could offer every customers best quality and service .
Standard:ISO9001 Number:04618Q14849R0S Issue Date:2021-03-22 Expiry Date:2024-03-21 Scope/Range:worldwide Issued By:IAF&CNAS |
Standard:OHSAS1800 Number:913410213956699712 Issue Date:2021-03-11 Expiry Date:2023-03-10 Scope/Range:WORLDWIDE Issued By:CNAS |
Standard:AFTER-SALES SERVICE CERTIFICATION Number:NSI17FWB0248R0S-3 Issue Date:2021-03-09 Expiry Date:2022-03-08 Scope/Range:WORLDWIDE Issued By:NATIONAL STANDARD INTEGRATION |
Standard:AFTER-SALES SERVICE CERTIFICA Number:NSI17FWB024R0S-3 Issue Date:2021-09-19 Expiry Date:2022-09-18 Scope/Range:WORLDWIDE Issued By:NATIONAL STANDARD INTEGRATION |
Contact Person: Ms. BELLA LIU
Tel: 86 -15222916980